The need for having unparalleled performances, while fulfilling the highest
enhanced safety rules and standards for French nuclear submarine program
resulted in the development of a totally new F-21 Heavy Weight Torpedo by
the French Navy. The F-21 Heavy Weight Torpedo development successfully
integrates the mastery of aluminium silver oxide technology which allows
the torpedo to enjoy higher range and maximum available speed, making it a
much more lethal weapon than other available torpedoes. At the same time,
its most important and salient feature is that of safety i.e. designed to
never explode on-board a submarine even in case of platform being on fire,
itself being dropped, or being fired accidentally. Naval Group (formerly DCNS) as a manufacturer, integrator as well as developer of advanced combat management systems of these torpedoes, also undertakes the complex task of seamless integration of this torpedo on-board the Scorpene® submarines.